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The Reincarnate

The Reincarnate (1971)

April. 30,1971
| Horror

A dying lawyer belonging to a cult, seeks to be reincarnated through a young artist with the ritual involving the sacrifice of a virgin. With limited time, he searches for someone to pass on his accumulated memories. His path crosses with a struggling artist, raising questions of destiny and a mystic ritual that may alter their fates.


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Told that he only has a few weeks left to live, a terminally ill lawyer searches for a host to receive his memories upon passing away - as per his belief in reincarnation - in this unusual Canadian drama. Although credited on IMDb as a horror film, 'The Reincarnate' is mostly a series of filmed conversations as the lawyer discusses his beliefs and tries to convince a young sculptor to take part in the ritual. The plus side of this is that Jack Creley is intriguing to listen to with his utter calmness about dying and philosophical quips; "there is another life if you remember this one". The minus of this is that the film's take on reincarnation is rather complicated and therefore there is far more talk than action as everything is explained to us. It is not a particularly moody or atmospheric film either and while there is one awesome sequence involving a stray cat crashing through a sky light, more moments like these could have really given the film an edge that it feels like it is missing. Overly complicated though the film's mythology may be, it is still undeniably fascinating and it is interesting throughout as it is hard to predict where exactly the film is going to go with all the reincarnation discussion. The film is topped off with a memorable final scene too, though it is a mystery why anyone thought it was a good idea to tack that cheesy song on as the end credits scroll.

Rainey Dawn

As one reviewer has said it's full of pretentious people. The film is just overly long and boring. It's trying to be a mysterious occult horror-thriller but it fails miserably to be what it wants to be . Such a shame, I was looking forward to watching a really good film on the occult and the topic of reincarnation. "The Reincarnation of Peter Proud" seems to be the only really good movie on the subject of reincarnation.Jack Creley really got on my nerves in this film for some reason. I was okay with the film and then he would show up an really irritate me. I can't place my finger on why though - mainly his voice kept bothering me and it should not have but it did. Why I'll never know.2/10


Mr. Julian, a wealthy "laudator temporis acti" and patron of the arts, is diagnosed terminal. He quickly puts into motion the ritual which has kept him alive for many centuries...alive, at least, in a manner of speaking. His memory, you see, is a continuum which has been passed down through generations of recipients. This metamorphosis occurs during an ages-old rite which requires two things...a suitable successor, and a virgin sacrifice.THE REINCARNATE is a film of interest only to those with a fondness for the more cerebral elements in horror. Nearly devoid of action and bloodletting, emphasis is instead placed on the eeriness of harbingers in the storyline, and the slow buildup to an unforeseeable conclusion.The cast does a marvelous job here, especially Jack Creley as the mysterious Mr. Julian, and Jay Reynolds as David, the headstrong young sculptor who has been selected as a worthy link in the chain of lives which have kept an ancient memory "living".All things considered, THE REINCARNATE is a minor, yet thoughtful and oddly compelling item. If you can overlook some forgivable deficiencies, you may well find that this film has been rather unfairly dismissed. 6/10


Yep, here it is.. the worst movie I've ever reviewed on this site. I will give an opinion on Practical Magic one day, but not in the near future. Anyhoo, what is this film about? That my friend is a complete mystery, and not one I care to unravel. Looking at the front cover, it obviously fancies itself as a horror flick. Nothing could be further from the truth. Unless the prospect of 90 minutes of boring, meaningless talk fills you with dread, in which case it is absolutely terrifying.The plot, something about a bloke with a month to live, a promising young sculptor and his virgin girlfriend he is being forced to sacrifice is utter piffle and does not make one jot of sense. At least in most bad 'scary' movies like this, there are some cheesy special effects to laugh at or extremely fake blood and guts spilt. Not a bit of that here though.. just tedious characters flitting from one droning conversation to another, with no break for scares, killings or anything else that even resembles fun. Wait a sec.. occasionally we do get a sight of a rather loud moggy (SPOOKY!), but his role in the final production is quite arbitrarily. In fact, he looks like he has been edited in from another film.What is the director's game here? Did he start out with a ton of gory scenes, but then cut them out because he was aiming for a PG? Could the inexplicable 18 rating this has in the UK be for that never-been-seen-before version? Who cares, the missing footage isn't really going to go down with the ones from 'The Magnificent Ambersons' in national importance. Either way, the fact remains that someone actually financed this tripe after reading the script, actors thought it was worth reciting this awful dialogue and somebody had the brains to release it on video when the negative should have been quietly thrown in a nearby dumpster. The mind boggles.Anyway, I repeat: this is by some distance the most snoozeworthy, waste of space of a film I have seen in many a moon.. so take advantage of it's rarity by steering clear of it like a landmine on the motorway. Thank you, and good night.. 0/10 (DUH)
