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The Loch Ness Horror

The Loch Ness Horror (1982)

November. 12,1982
| Horror

Hunters set out to catch the legendary Scottish monster that has defied explanation and eluded capture since the 1940s.


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What did I just watch? To say this film is weird is an understatement! Maybe it is a movie that is fun to watch to revel in its awfulness, but still The Loch Ness Horror is a mind-boggling mess. Still I guess it is worth the watch for its novelty value.The Loch Ness Horror does look cheap. The sets/sceneries are somewhat nice with some dazzling early underwater sequences, but the slip-shod editing and cinematography spoil it. Even the Loch Ness Monster is cheesy with a design that is overly-reminiscent of a large toy/model/inflatable with overly-cute eyes. The dialogue is incoherent and laughable, the plot is a mess with a rushed ending that makes you go that's it?, the film is very rushed overall, the direction is incompetent and the acting complete with some appalling accents is dreadful.In conclusion, a mess but worth the watch perhaps once for the novelty value. 1/10 Bethany Cox


If it wasn't for Loch Ness we would never see such corny delights about Nessie. Larry Buchanan's take on this Scottish legend is quite entertaining at times as movies about monsters made of plastic can be. The fake is hilarious, the fake Scottish accents are funny. The kill-scenes cracked me up. I also loved the fact that there were more American tourists and Nessie-hunters from Houston, Tx invading Loch Ness then actual locals living there. Still, this film never reaches the cheesy heights the classic trailer promises. Not a total loss though, makes a cool double feature along with THE CRATER LAKE MONSTER (1977).

David Michael O'Rorey (retromaster2000)

I loved every minute of this film obviously i'm a B-Grade & Z-Grade Sci-Fi, Horror & Fantasy Movie Buff. I got the Pan Canadian VHS in Clamshell Case with Hi-Fi Stereo Sound I recently transferred it to DVD+R. Got the VHS on ebay which I had to go up to thirty something & outbid some ppl. It gave me everything I expected to get from a Z or B Grade movie not sure of the budget on this one will have to find out & update this comment again. Even though Larry Buchanan is the director & producer that brought us his so bad they were good memorable Made For T.V. Z-Grade Originals & Remakes of Sci-Fi & Horror Cult Classics from the 60's such as The Eye Creatures '65, Mars Needs Women '66, In The Year 2889 '66, Zontar, The Thing From Venus '66, Curse Of The Swamp Creature '66, Creature Of Destruction '67 & It's Alive! '69. Which were all Z-Grade & 4 out of the 7 were remakes of earlier AIP 50's B-Grade Sci-Fi & Horror Flicks. Only three were Buchanan's own. Mars Needs Women, Curse Of The Swamp Creature & It's Alive!. Nessie looks pretty realistic I'd say considering it is B-Grade or Z-Grade. Even for it's time. Although I expected a little more violence like when the monster attacks the guy with the pistol on the road, you know the J.O. trying to escape with Nessie's egg trying to make a fortune, he got what he deserved. Although she was friendly towards the girl at least she killed in this one unlike "Loch Ness" from '96 with Ted Danson. The scene with that jerk's head was crushed that scene could of been done better. Buchanan is into all that gore though so. The story made sense & Nessie wasn't just attacking for no reason. so. The best Nessie flick i'd say. I also have seen "The Secret Of The Loch" from 1934 which was very disappointing to see Nessie as a magnified Iguanna Lizard. I was expecting to see the traditional stop-motion animation creature Willis O'Brien should of did that film after all he did Kong the year before. The Loch Ness Horror (1982) this site has 1981 for the release year this is incorrect it was filmed in 1981 but released into theaters in 1982. http://www.allmovie.com/ has 1982 listed as it's release year which is correct. Yes Nessie's roar does sound like a Tie Fighter & that is cool makes it unique I think which another user on here stated that in a comment. The Crater Lake Monster (1977) is the best Lake Monster Flick obviously cause of the great David Allen's Stop-Motion Animation work done on that film. And the whole Pleasiosaurus is shown in The Crater Lake Monster. But not in The Loch Ness Horror Anyway I am a Buchanan Fan & The Loch Ness Horror is the second best Lake Monster Flick it gets a 5. The Loch Ness Horror still hasn't turned up on DVD yet it would be nice to see a DVD Buchanan has passed on nice to see more of his stuff come out on DVD like this. I have 2 different DVDR's of this one is of The U.S. Monterey Home Video VHS came in an over-sized cardboard video box "Midnight Madness" is at the top of the box. Really good film print on that VHS. The other is the Pan Candian VHS Release which the print isn't as good has faded color with specs of dirt & some scratches. I have both on DVDR. Would be nice to see a real DVD of this released in the near future with extras including the trailer which I have seen online before great Trailer.


**Possible Spoilers Ahead**Whenever fans of bad movies congregate for more than a few minutes, a name that invariably comes up is that of Larry Buchanan. This amazing director has given us remakes of other turkeys (ZONTAR THE THING FROM VENUS), cheap-jack crime dramas like A BULLET FOR PRETTY BOY, and tawdry conspiracy flicks like DOWN ON US and GOODBYE NORMA JEAN. THE LOCH NESS HORROR is a humdinger to say the least. Overlooking the fact that Loch Ness is extremely long and narrow, Larry filmed this howler on a wide and round California lake. Early on, the film boasts some dazzling (for the budget) underwater photography and creates some atmosphere in spite of itself. Then it degenerates into windy dialogue uttered by no-name actors with lapsing Scottish accents, not to mention a soundtrack that will do nothing for the much-maligned bagpipe. At one point, campers sing "You Take The High Road, I'll Take The Low Road," just to throw in one more Scottish cliche. If Scottish people ever decide to jump on the Political Correctness bandwagon they'll sue Larry Buchanan over this film, his surname notwithstanding. The monster looks like a giant papier-mache puppet and it makes the dragon in Beanie & Cecil look terrifying by comparison. In one unforgettable scene Nessie takes to land and, to evade some patrolling soldiers, the fifty-foot long critter tries to hide behind a tree-and the soldiers don't see it! THE LOCH NESS HORROR is a true mind-boggler that must be seen-several times--to be believed.
