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The Curse of the Bigfoot

The Curse of the Bigfoot (1975)

January. 01,1975
| Horror TV Movie

A group of high school students on an archaeological dig discover a centuries old mummified body in a sealed cave. Removing the mummy, it soon comes back to life, revealing itself to be an inhuman beast that terrorizes a small California town.


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I came across this on a channel late at night, didn't see beginning. Decided to watch it even though the details on description gave it 1 star! All I gotta say is watch it for heck of it as it kept me curious and a little spooked! For a low budget film I'll give them credit on that.But, really, trying to kill the thing and only a sheriff is involved with them to help! So that part there made me give it a low rating. I'm like where is more help! Then after reading other reviews, ok my new TV isn't whacked! Yes night was daytime in some scenes! Because of these aspects after having to see if there were these observations in a review I decided to give my review- I didn't see anything on just a sheriff helping out. But on night scenes, thank you other reviewers to reassure my TV was ok!So for curiosity entertainment if you pass by it, it's worth a watch. Im sure you'll agree with all I wrote though! I'll leave it here with, really only a sheriff!


Curse of Bigfoot (1975)* 1/2 (out of 4) A professor takes some of his students out into the woods where they discover an underground tomb. Inside that tomb they uncover the where abouts of a Bigfoot creature.If you've read my review of TEENAGERS BATTLE THE THING then you'll notice the first line above is the same and the reason that's the case is because this made-for-TV movie is actually that 1958 film but this here a little over twenty minutes worth of new footage. The history of this is pretty confusing because it was released in 1958 to at least one theater. This version was in B&W and ran for less than a hour. The film pretty much disappeared until this "new" version was released to television.Having now seen both versions there's no question that you'd be better off with the original since it runs shorter. As I said in my review, it adds up to a big fat zero but it's one of those movies where you're somewhat entertained hoping something is going to happen but then it ends up not doing so. This new version has some new scenes added in to make it seem like they were really hunting Bigfoot (it was an Indian mummy in the original film) and it's obviously a patch-job. The opening sequence is also added on and features some bad dialogue and an even worse performance.Is there a reason to watch either version? Honestly there's not because both aren't any good but at the same time horror junkies such as myself might want to just to see one of the strangest films ever made. I'd love to hear more about the history of these films but who knows if anyone else would really be interested.


(Mild Spoilers) The movie "Curse of Bigfoot" copies the earlier Bigfoot epic "Shriek of the Mutilated" with a Bigfoot hunter Norman Mason going out into the timberland country of Northern California with a troop of collage students to find the elusive man-like creature.Were first shown a number of film clips by high school teacher Dr. Bill Wyman about what Bigfoot-or Sasquatch-is really all about in his many sighting in both North America and the Himalayans Mountains where he's called Yiti by the natives who live there. It's then that Dr. Wyman introduces us, and his students, to a disheveled looking Norman Mason who's never been the same after he and his group of collage students encountered Bigfoot some five years ago. Were told by Mason that three of his students, as well as himself, have suffered deep psychological trauma after that shocking encounter and are now under constant and intensive psychiatric care.It's when Mason recites the story of his, and his collage students, encounter of the legendary Bigfoot that everything goes out of whack in that it isn't about Bigfoot at all! It's in fact about this unrelated 100,000 year old Indian Mummy that he discovered outside the ghost town of Ivanpah California! The Mummy came to life when it was exposed to the fresh air outside its tomb and, not having eaten in 100,000 years, started to search the countryside looking for a free, in that it didn't have any cash or credit cards, meal.The Mummy, not Bigfoot, ends up killing, and eating, a number of people but is later lured into a trap by Mason and his students as well as local Sheriff Walt where it's set on fire and burned to a crisp. The fact that there was nothing left of the killer Indian Mummy made Mason's story a bit unbelievable in that there was no proof at all that he ever had any contact with it or it even existed. Mason's story about three of the students with him ending up institutionalized also made no sense at all in that in his recounting of his amazing story they,the students, seemed to have been totally unaffected in their encounter with the Mummy.The film "Curse of Bigfoot" is actually two movie fused into one, like "They Saved Hitler's Brain", being made some 17 years apart. The original film the 1958 unreleased "Teenagers Battle the Thing" had of course nothing at all to do with Bigfoot but the aforementioned Indian Mummy. The footage added on with Dr. Wyman was more or less an attempt to make the Mummy into a Bigfoot which turned out, after watching it, to be a complete and total failure.The most interesting thing about the film, far more than its depiction of Bigfoot, is that it has actor Ken Kloepfer in both the spliced together movies, some 17 years apart, playing the same role of Norman Mason!


User Comments: No talent, no direction, no rehearsing, no editing, no kidding (more) they forgot no story no action no plot NO GOOD! well, I've finally found it: the WORST movie ever made by far nothing else I've ever seen comes even remotely close this movie is obscenely shamelessly insanely BAD! The most hilarious thing about it is: twenty minutes OR MORE can go by where people are just climbing rocks or walking in lemon groves and the symphonic music sound-track rises and falls and rises to another climactic crescendo as if the most intense dramatic suspenseful action footage ever rendered is playing out on yer screen BUT IT ISN'T BELIEVE ME AS HOURS OF FOOTAGE OF BUSHES--OR PEOPLE WALKING... GO BY--THE SOUNDTRACK IS TRYING TO SAY "Suspense!--MIND WRENCHING, BUTT-CLENCHING Suspense!") :stupidest dialog stupidest ending ever I highly recommend it THIS you gotta see before you die (which event you will be longing for about five minutes in) yes--paper mache' granny wig monster costume with YES a ping pong ball with a hole in it as one of the eyes and as soon as the monster sees a human he HAS to kill you which he seems to accomplish by throwing his arms out to the side and falling on you truly truly truly bad movie, folks One of the funniest things (I thought): they find an engraved stone--about two by two feet flat on the ground they pry it up and there's a cave opening under it so they get a rope and go down and now it's a twenty by twenty foot opening no explanation whatsoever
