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Hawaii (2013)

April. 12,2013
| Romance

Eugenio offers his childhood friend Martin a work for the summer. With a game of power and desire a relationship starts to grow that goes beyond their friendship.


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I very much enjoyed watching this slow paced movie that with few words conveyed depth for the two characters.


a beautiful film. for silence and words. for the tension and new values of ordinary gestures. for the definition of friendship who explores the nuances more than significance. for the special joy, high delicacy, science to use the detail in gentle manner. a film about a meeting after long time, the search to reconquest the years of youth and the root of present dialog. sure, it is not a surprise. Argentinian cinema has many special films but this case seems be real special. for the tension who has not only sexual level. for the wise manner to use each scene as seed of the other. for the spring air , using a form of innocence who becomes the bridge between characters. a film who is not bad to see. for a rare state of emotions.


I read many glowing reviews about this and was very disappointed. This movie made so little sense in many ways. I can't write a review without spoilers. OK this was supposedly a romance and the men hadn't seen each other since childhood. Indeed they didn't even recognize each other. Rather than have so many extra long shots where one or both leads are staring at who knows what, and sparse dialogue, how about more reminiscing and/or playing catch up and maybe the audience would have a clue why they fell in love. The stoning of the cat with no remorse was really distasteful to me and invalidated their supposed sensitivity. There was way too much "cat and mouse" with the physical stuff too. Eugenio places Martin's hand on his heart after the run and....nothing. They play around in the lake doing touching things straight men would not likely do and....nothing. Martin stares at Eugenio's crotch several times, they finally end up in bed together, albeit after partying, Eugenio rubs Martin's crotch (over his pants) and....Martin gets out of bed.FINALLY at almost the end Martin kisses Eugenio, and Eugenio just repeats "no". Why? No explanation here. Somehow in the remaining few minutes they reunite, also no explanation.So the photography and scenery were very nice; both leads attractive esp. Martin although Eugenio needed a different style of glasses.Here's an idea - why not interview several long term Gay couples and make a composite romantic story instead of illogical plots like this one?

ira -

I watched the trailer and it was a little odd, but the score and reviews were very good so I decided to watch it. Honestly, in my opinion, it wasn't good at all. It was very long and tedious to watch. Every shot was very long for no apparent reason. There was very little dialogue and many pointless shots. The plot and character development was very slow. You can easily skip about half an hour or more in the middle, and things will remain unchanged. The only moderately interesting things happened in the last 20 minutes or so. In addition, I often found the characters' behaviour odd and unexplained. To conclude, I wouldn't recommend it and I didn't enjoy it.
