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The Journey of Jared Price

The Journey of Jared Price (2000)

December. 31,2000
| Drama Romance

A gay young man becomes involved with his blind employer's untrustworthy son. Jared Price is a small town boy who arrives in Hollywood with a few hundred bucks and a lifetime of dreams. See how he handles each situation he gets into and grows in his understanding of who he is. When what he thinks is his first love turns out to be false, see how he is helped and given the strength to stay in L.A. and try again. This film will remind you that love is worth waiting for and that there is always hope. A hustler for a roommate, a wealthy Hollywood executive for a boss, a lonely blind woman and a loveable new best friend make "The Journey of Jared Price" an adventure you will never forget.


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TJJP is truly a gem! So fed up was I of films with bad endings, sad stories, awful developments, that to watch this journey was a real find. Everything is very simple in the tale, naiveté is the name of the game. I guess that if more gay films had these sensitivity audiences would flow. Nothing is forced in this simple story of a boy arriving in the big city and finding his way through it, having to decide between the eternal dilemma of love and money. Maybe what gave me such a good feeling in the tale is the protagonist, played by Casey Spears. He mixes such a great gentleness in a cute body you feel immediately sympathetic towards him. The fact that Casey made so little films after this is a proof that he was simply being himself, what adds to the film. The rest of the cast is not bad, having some highlights like Steve Tyler the spoiled son of Jarred patroness,. In the end, you will feel blissful after watching the Journey of Jarred Price, a film that deserves being watched multiple times.

John Seger

Although the production is very very low(or no) budget, this is still a very good little film. It really is.New-comer, Corey Spears, is adorably cute and a great actor. Did I mention how cute he is? Oh yeah, I did! He made the movie very watchable for me. I started a posting on the message board for Corey's imdb info page, of any would like to discuss the film, and Corey. To get there, just type COREY SPEARS on the IMDB search. Then you scroll to the message board link on his infopage under his credits.. I highly reccomend you see this film. Appreciate it for the story and acting. Don't judge it soley on it's production values. This is a great movie! It's got heart. It's got truth. And...it's got Corey Spears!


The Journey of Jared Price has some very talented actors considering it is an indie film. The plot has potential as well. However, the dialogue becomes contrived at times if not completely ad libbed (ex., when Jared goes to Robert's room). About half way through the movie, the story seems to turn into the journey of Matthew Haines more than Jared. The scenes with Matthew and his assistant are pointless. We know Matthew is a creep, and he doesn't take her advice anyway. Furthermore, a trusting relationship between the two was not established as well as the relationship between Mrs. Haines and Jared. More time should have been spent on the budding relationship between Robert and Jared. Other than a few minor gripes, this movie is definitely worth watching at least once.


This film was shot on a small budget in just a few days--and it shows. I thought the story was nice, and the script was even good. I would give this movie higher marks if the cinematography and acting had been better. Overall, I recommend the film.
