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Scorpio One

Scorpio One (1998)

January. 01,1998
| Science Fiction

Using ultra-advanced technology, scientists aboard Scorpio One have made a monumental discovery -- and paid for it with their lives. Now, with time and oxygen running out, Scorpio One is about to become ground zero for an explosive showdown high above the Earth, where the stakes are nothing less than the future of the world.


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SCORPIO ONE is another boring outer space-set movie from the late 1990s, when B-movie producers seemed obsessed with putting stuff into outer space whether it belongs there or not. This time around, we get martial arts hero Jeff Speakman who travels into space with part of a team to tackle some terrorists on a space station and help save the planet in the meantime.The plot is as preposterous as it sounds, but unfortunately the scriptwriters decided to go for a slow-moving, talky script throughout and it's fair to say that not much happens here. Speakman gets a fight scene or two but for the most part this is a boring film that consists of boring actors reading boring dialogue. Suspense and drama flatline throughout, and a cameo from Robert Carradine is barely noticeable. The villain is played by NINE DEATHS OF THE NINJA's Brent Huff.


When this film started out I thought it might be good, was I wrong!The mistake I made was to keep watching it to see if something worthwhile came up – nope.The plot is a convoluted load of crap centring around a floppy disc that contains everything you need to know to create cold fusion, wrong - endless words have been written about this illusive subject by great scientists and it doesn't exist, the idea that the secret could be held on a floppy disc is nonsense. The scientific flaws are too many to count – a technician soldering on the wrong side of a printed circuit, batteries that take 3 seconds to recharge, the pilot soldering wires together that wouldn't carry more than 3 amps let alone enough to power the space station etc.I find it unbelievable that so many people could work on a film and produce such rubbish – I have seen 1950s films that were made on a shoestring that are far better.


While not THE WORST movie I've ever seen, it was unquestionably of low quality. Were it not for the fact I was watching it when I had insomnia, I certainly would have fallen asleep during this movie.While I won't spend much time on this (why bother?) I have the following observations to offer:It's not clear what this movie was trying to be, Walker Texas Ranger in Space or any number of B-storyline rip-offs. I found NOTHING original, however, which is quite a feat in itself. Very amusing were a number of the SAME sound effects used in the PC game "Doom"! Not just similar; they must have come from the same source! I can only wonder if the game and the movie purchased the sounds from the same FX company or if the movie bought the rights from ID, the makers of DOOM. Quite amusing. Perhaps the ONE enjoyable facet of the game (aside from seeing Robin Douglas)


This is, by far, and without a doubt, the absolute worst movie I have ever seen. Utterly devoid of any plot, acting talent or, dare I say, a script. It is horrible to a degree unknown in modern filmaking. For the love of humanity, if you value all that is good and right with the world, please do not see this, not even at 3am for free.
