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Lies of the Heart: The Story of Laurie Kellogg

Lies of the Heart: The Story of Laurie Kellogg (1994)

January. 31,1994
| Drama TV Movie

A young mother is accused of convincing four teenagers to murder her husband, who she claims abused her during their ten-year relationship.


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I feel so bad for Laurie Kellogg,and in many ways I can relate with her. I too have been in a past abusive marriage.Most people have NO idea what goes thru your mind when you're in a relationship like that.I was one of the lucky ones that managed to get away,but was haunted by memories for years,and at times still surface.I read a comment made by a judge that said "Theres a lot of law,and no justice".How very true.The actual victim is victimized again by the justice system!I'm sorry,What justice system?I feel that the movie may have had a bit of Hollywood drama added,but if you watch it for the context of the story,someone watching it may be able to save themselves.Abuse can be in so many different forms,and it's around each and everyone of us on a daily basis.Open your eyes,you may be able to help someone!


I have seen Jennie Garth it The Laurie Kellog Story and I think it is phenomenal. She got to stretch as an actress. She is such a great actress. I have it recorded and I love to watch it over and over. She is such a great role model to others. I love that she is a spokes person for R.A.I.N. ( the rape crises center) She has not let success gone to her head. I read that while she was still filming 90210 that she would have the other(kids) over for dinner. Instead of a real fancy dinner she would have a normal BBQ. Even though she is divorced from Dan Clark she has never said a bad thing about him like most celebrities do about their ex's. She just said that she got married to young.

Nilblogette nilblog.typepad.com/nilblogette

Jennie Garth's Lifetime movie was scandalizing me more and more with every campy, trailer-trashy minute (she's only 16, the age for statutory rape in Pennsylvania in 1981 was 14, and the Ted Bundy-looking love interest paid her step-father $500 for her!), but, as is usually the case, the naïve, teen, falling in love stuff was my favorite part (her rebellious makeover consisted solely of taking off her headband), and then it became increasingly un-fun as Jennie's 44-year-old boyfriend becomes less humorously abusive (shoving her nose in her messes, and telling her to diet so he doesn't have to trade her in for a younger model, which would make the new girl about 8), and more and more of an intolerable monster. It was only hurt by the fact that Jennie can act. It delved into an even darker place as Alexis Arquette (not in drag) confessed to a teen friend that while he was in jail he was passed around and raped every day! Then, my 8-year-old theory comes true when Ted Bundy starts molesting the young girls that Jennie baby-sits! Then, Jennie gets pregnant and doesn't want an abortion, so Ted Bundy threatens "to take a coat hanger to it"! Once Ted is murdered, Alexis takes the stand to tell about the game they played called 101 Ways to Kill Bruce Kellogg, and Jennie gets 25 years in prison. Woman-hating-judge.The only positive thing I can say for this movie is that I have never seen people go to the skating rink so much, and since skating rinks represent complete and total bliss to me, skate Jennie, skate! This was not the laughing at other people's misery and stupidity fest that I hoped it would be, and I think Cinnamon Toast Crunch is thinking the same thing, because listening to a detailed description of a husband threatening to beat his children (one of whom happened to be Haley Joel Osment) to death then fading to a commercial that declares, "This program is brought to you by Cinnamon Toast Crunch," doesn't make me crave cinnamon and sugar. My theory is CTC's company General Mills thought this was the story of a member of the Kellogg's Cereal family, and they were trying to be subversive by advertising during it. Boy, did that backfire.Musical montages: none, a sure sign that a "film" means to be taken seriously. Boooooo


I grew up in Linglestown, and knew Denver McDowell. The producers of this movie took great liberties with the filming. The houses Denver and the Kelloggs lived in look NOTHING like the ones in the movie. Also, the town is LinglesTOWN, not LinglesTON. I do not know enough about the situation to know who was telling the truth, but I do know it would've been nice if someone would have actually COME to Pennsylvania and researched the area. Add to that the fact that the actors look absolutely NOTHING like the real people, and it makes it just more over the top.The writing of the movie is simply just another Lifetime movie of the week.
