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Sexual Parasite: Killer Pussy

Sexual Parasite: Killer Pussy (2004)

August. 22,2004
| Horror Comedy

Five teenagers enter a deserted jungle and trespass inside an abandoned house only to haunted by a woman with a monster hidden inside her reproductive organs.


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Shot in a style reminiscent of a Sixth Form film project, Sexual Parasite: Killer Pussy ups the ante with unbridled T & A, and some endearingly ropey gorn. It's also the shortest "movie" I've seen outside of a shonen anime cash-in, running at just under an hour. Still, I can't complain, seeing as they pack in copious opportunities for the nubile female cast to engage in bouts of naked gorno wrestling. The vagina dententa of the title is one of the most hilarious horror flick monsters ever, looking like a rejected Monster of the Week from an episode of Power Rangers! In short, it ain't winning any awards, but it'll raise a few laughs (amongst other things).


A parasite that resides in a woman's vagina that gleefully chomps off the "invading organ" before eviscerating the offender. Sounds cool? There's more, the girls loose more clothing as the movie goes on. There's the bath scene, the sex scene, the pantie scene, the lesbian scene and of course the violence and action.Unfortunately this movie didn't do it for me. I am basing my review on this movie on its genre...the girls getting naked battling rubber sock puppet monsters genre... The girls IMO were not that pretty, the acting worse then usual. Something seems missing from this movie (and I don't mean acting or story plot)...cant put my finger to it maybe its just that the girls were not hot enough to pull it off.


What can ya say about something with a title like KILLER PUSSY? Unfortunately, not all good things. I think with such a lofty title I was expecting a little bit more from this one, but I will say that it's plenty entertaining and delivers an hour of sleazy Japanese fun for those that dig goofy splatterotica. Currently unavailable with English subs/dubs, here's what I got from it: Some scientists are in the "Amazon" and they discover a parasite that infects one of the female scientists. Cut to a scene of a group of young travelers (2 guys, 3 girls) who come across an abandoned facility and decide to hang out there and party for a while. During their exploration of the facility, 2 of the party-goers discover a woman in some sort of cryogenic room, who just so happens to be the parasite-infected scientist from the beginning. She awakens and transmits the parasite to one of the female partiers, which causes her to leak green, foamy goo from her snatch, which also grows some pretty mean teeth. The rest of the film is made up of various scenes of the partiers having sex and transmitting the parasite from one to the other with the same effect...There are lots of good things about KILLER PUSSY, not least of which is the soft-AV style in which it's filmed, which showcases many up-close, oily, nude female bodies - never a bad thing. Clocking in at an hour, it's also fast-paced and doesn't drag at all. Main problems are the ridiculous looking parasite "monster" which looks like some sort of rubber turd with teeth that you would buy at a toy store. The gore also isn't as heavy as I would have thought, and the gore FX that were shown were pretty weak. I'm also constantly disappointed by the Japanese inability to show full-frontal in most films. The inclusion of a lot of mostly bad, cheap CGI didn't help matters much either. Overall, I'd say that KILLER PUSSY is worth a look, especially if you dig zero-budget splatter of the Troma-style, and semi-hot nekkid Asian chicks. I wasn't as impressed as I wanted to be, but it was definitely a relatively fun way to burn an hour...7.5/10


I watched this unsubbed so a few plot details could be slightly wrong,but what this basically is,is a rip-off of David Cronenberg's Shivers complete with bath scene but the sex is more hardcore,four back packers travel to the Amazon and end up picking up a parasite that lives inside woman's vagina's,this is going to be a sure fire hit among horror genre fans when a distributer picks it up for outside the Asian market.Sex'n'gore galore and coming in at around the hour level,which is my only problem really with it,as you feel like you want more,and I guess some people won't like its low grade look,but proper fans will overlook that,body horror fans will lap this up,I gave this a sick and twisted, (7 out of 10)like old horror film critic chas balun used to say this film delivers the goods
