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Bangkok Adrenaline

Bangkok Adrenaline (2009)

May. 14,2009
| Action Comedy

Four backpackers arrive in Thailand to party and drink. A gambling game goes wrong and with their lives on the line they desperately decide to kidnap a billionaires daughter. Things go wrong when her 'father' doesn't play ball and prefers to use the kidnapping to further his own interests.


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This movie is only good for its martial arts action scenes and the amazing talent which is Daniel O'Neill. His performance and choreography is awesome and i can't wait to see more of him. He alone is what carried and made this movie. My 10/10 is purely on the Martial Arts Action scenes, some of the best movie choreography of all time.


First let me ask you a question when renting a martial arts flick what is the most important thing to you? If your answer was anything but for the fights then steer clear of this movie. If you are a true junkie for "kung fu" movies though this is a must watch movie.With a leading actor that is believable in his moves who also happened to be the choreographer and the wonderful background of Thailand fights were often laid out in interesting ways. Quite a bit of parkour tricks laid out during chases including a very non flashy but if you follow parkour very impressive stunt.In the story department this movie falls very short, do not expect a Once Upon a Time in China or House of Flying Daggers. If anything this movie makes the Tony Jaa movies seem like Shakespeare. The acting by many of the actors falls very flat but there are some honest moments of good acting, can't complain when for most of the cast this is their first time getting real solid screen time.In short this movie is a prime example of Thailand taking the martial arts movie crown especially since so many of the Chinese greats went Hollywood.*score marked down due to lack of story keeping it from being anything near a flawless movie though I would score it higher then some movies with a great story but the martial arts is weak in.


Don't expect anything coherent in the story department. But that would be a real surprise now. I watch the movies for the characters, the fight scenes and some funny moments that occur. Looking at it like that, you have those elements in there. And you can see the effort they put in there, to go all the way (especially in the fight scenes, though not all our actors really get involved, plus it makes the beginning almost completely unbelievable).I won't reveal the predictable little thing that is called plot here, though it wouldn't matter. What matters is how the fight scenes are. They are quite good for the most parts. The tone of the movie is unfortunately all over the place, jumping from comedy to action in a heartbeat, without making an effort. You might not care, but I did. Plus the acting was mostly non-existent (again something you might not care that much about, just saying)


Well, i'm impressed. This film and others like it give me hope that Thai/South east Asian movies are trying to recreate the magic of 80s Hong kong action flicks. Its a good attempt too. Lets get down to the nitty gritty though.As you'd probably expect the story and the acting is laughable. Feels like an amateur college production, but who cares right? We're here for the action?..... wrong. There's a little too much of the bad acting and terrible comedy for my liking.However when the action finally shows up every now and again, it's a pretty good effort. I'll stress that its not perfect in my opinion (having watched a lot of martial arts flicks). My biggest gripe is the directing. The camera work is shoddy on the most part, flicking between limbs and not showing many stunt falls in one take.I'd definitely recommend this film after a night out. Grab a few beers and laugh. At least they're trying to make real action, something we don't see a lot of these day. A+ for effort!
