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RZ-9 (2015)

August. 17,2015
| Action Science Fiction

After a devastating terrorist attack annihilates New York, Chicago and Los Angeles, the US government develops state-of-the-art drone patrols to counter terrorist activities and police the population. When Patterson Endcott, a scientist and drone controller, finds his name listed as a potential terrorist, he unites with a group of resistance fighters to spearhead the fight against the tyrannical government.


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"Rz-9" tells the story of a dark future where the government has put the public under mass surveillance. When one government agent finds himself on the edge of being investigated because of his religious believes, he joins the rebel forces with his sister and they try to escape to Canada.The movie is not really a thrill to watch. It can't really decide between dystopia, action film and religious elements. None of those elements are presented badly, even though especially the more personal and emotional scenes didn't really convince me. The rest is pretty much lots of chasing and gunfights, nothing I can get too excited about but still told with enough story around to provide an acceptable plot.All in all this is something you can definetly miss out on without a bad conscience but still the ratings here seem a bit harsh to me. If you like fights and action, you might actually enjoy this film.

Allen Selner Sr

Drops the ball in several areas. The first was the obviously "canned music". Some of the cast came off no better than that of a high school play. Well choreographed and cinematography, it moved along nicely in spite of what must have been a small budget. That, I believe was the downfall. I'll take a science fiction "B" movie over a romantic comedy any day.The best I can say is that in spite of shortcomings, I watched it to the end. Given more time, better casting, and an original sound track and it would have had my vote of 8.5 rather than 6. This movie had to have been well written as a short novel. As a film, it's subject the those shortcomings mentioned. Worth watching? Yes, in a pinch.

Michael Garcia

This movie is laughable at best. Everything about it is atrocious. From the "elite soldiers" who can't properly aim a gun and shoot, to the awful flashing bullets and the "blood" which resembles red powder being thrown at them.All the actors in this movie seem to lack any basic human instinct as they do not react when there is someone emptying a magazine in their general vicinity as the bullets rarely hit. It is comedic when in the middle of a gun fight, a person runs up to the soldier, stabs him in the throat and doesn't get shot immediately by the soldier right behind him. A group of high school kids could make a better movie than this. Now if you want a movie for pure entertainment and comedy because of the train wreck this movie is, I'd rate it a solid 8

Paul Nik

Well I was disappointed that there is no review for this wonderful film, so I took it on myself to write one. I'm going to mention some of the (very relevant and current) themes that I think are going on in this film, so that I help you judge whether it's worth your time or not:Enforcer turned rebel (akin to the film/book Cloud Atlas) Modern warfare tech: mass government surveillance, drones, exoskeletons, mass incarceration, corporate mercenaries Notion of terrorism expanded to include potentially everyone Manhunt of rebels in the woodsGraphics, sound, action, acting and dialogue, the film is above average, so I think the deciding factor for whether you'll like it or not is whether you enjoy the above themes.
