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Shark Attack 3: Megalodon

Shark Attack 3: Megalodon (2002)

November. 26,2002
| Adventure Horror Action Thriller

When two researchers discover a colossal shark's tooth off the Mexican coast their worst fears surface - the most menacing beast to ever rule the waters is still alive and mercilessly feeding on anything that crosses its path. Now they must hunt the fierce killer and destroy it... before there is no one left to stop it


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"Ben Carpenter" (John Barrowman) is in charge of beach security for a tourist resort in Mexico and one day, while venturing a little out of his territory, he discovers a huge shark tooth which has been embedded in an underwater cable. Curious as to what type of shark it belongs to he posts a picture of it online. Not long afterward he is met by a paleontologist for the San Diego Natural History Museum named "Jenny McShane" (Cataline Stone) who is eager to learn as much as possible about the tooth while revealing hardly anything. Unfortunately, when the shark begins attacking people near the resort Ben begins to demand answers and finds out that the shark isn't a normal shark. Instead, it happens to be a species that has been extent for a very long time--and it is very hungry. Now rather than reveal any more of this film I will just say that I thought it was proceeding along adequately enough for the first hour or so. The acting was okay and there was some decent suspense here and there. However, the wheels rapidly came off not long after that and it got amazingly bad in a hurry. Really, really bad. That said, I have rated this movie accordingly and I must warn viewers to steer clear if at all possible. You'll be doing yourself a favor.


Watched this and Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus (2009) the same evening. The Mega Shark movie was so bad that we laughed throughout it. It succeeds in crossing the "so bad it is good" line.Shark Attack 3 doesn't. It is poorly done, unoriginal and boring. The only time we laughed was the main character's incredible pick-up line - you can see it in the Trivia section.The movie takes place in Mexico but was actually shot in Bulgaria. The director fakes Mexico by putting a Mexican flag wherever it could fit the frame. You can play a drinking game - take a shot every time you see a Mexican flag! That's the only conceivable reason to watch this movie. If you want something funny and shark-related, see Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus.


When a Tom Cruise look-a-like coastal patrolman finds a tooth embedded in a submarine electricity cable, a palaeontologist identifies it as a Megalodon tooth, a giant prehistoric shark thought to have been extinct for eons. Of course, the title animal is very much alive, and to make matters worse, it's just a baby! Mother takes some time to surface, but when she eventually does, nothing on the water is safe from her mile-wide gape.If a movie can be remembered by a solitary, improvised line of dialogue, then this film will defy age and ineptitude for centuries to come. Fortunately, there's more to a movie than a one-liner that will have you choking on your marshmallow, and this one doesn't have the substance to rate amongst its peers.The Meg (as it's affectionately known) is a preposterous sized beast, capable of swallowing a powerboat whole, without so much as a gag reflex. Trick photographic effects are clumsy and amateurish looking, with various bystanders falling from a stricken pleasure cruiser into the open jaws of the mammoth, prehistoric specimen. Some stock crowd footage and a scene in which two randy lovers are devoured was lifted (almost unerringly) and used in the contemporary Shark Zone, but to cite that imitation is to ascribe this farce a tribute it neither earns nor deserves.Characterisations are exaggerated in their intensity, and even some of the more capable cast members are laughable caricatures, particularly Ryan Cutrona as the macho ex-navy seal who reveals the sinister cause behind the colossal resurrection. Despite the lack of redeemable qualities, there's still that inimitable one-liner, and a few other memorable quotes at which to laugh. And since it's featured prominently in this review, don't despair about mistaking that line – it's easily identified.

David McAvoy (ngeunit1)

So, the first question on your mind if you immediately checked out this movie on IMDb is this movie really bad enough to warrant a 2.5/10. And the answer is yes.The only reason I watched this movie was that the scene I saw in a youtube clip looks so outrageous and stupid that I wanted to see it in context of the movie as a whole, and yea is was still dumb and whatnot. The movie itself in general was just bad. The plot was pretty meh. The voice synch was horrible. It was always either not quite in synch or the wrong tone or both. In fact, just about everything about the movie always felt off.That is not to say there wasn't a shred of enjoyment. Watching with a few friends, there was plenty of stuff to make fun of and talk about during the movie, and perhaps the most ridiculous pick-up line ever of "Wanna go back to my place and I will ...?" (yea you can't make stuff like that up...).So should you watch Shark Attack 3: Megalodon? Only if you have some beer a few friends to help past the time, since the movie will not do that on its own...
