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Cherry Tree Lane

Cherry Tree Lane (2010)

July. 10,2010
| Horror Thriller Crime

Prosperous professional couple Mike and Christine are settling in for a standard evening of wine, TV and low-level marital hostility when a ring on their doorbell changes everything. Turns out their son Sebastian is in a little trouble with some local boys, who are quite prepared to camp out and wait for him to get home ... the resulting culture-clash chamber drama is raw, revealing and nerve-splittingly tense.


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Suffered through the first twenty minutes with my mom, came to the mutual conclusion that nothing was getting any better, and quit it to do something actually entertaining instead.


Nine films out of ten I find unwatchable. I don't usually appreciate horror, violence or bad language, I find most of the stuff I see clichéd, unrealistic and have to switch off. Cherry Tree Lane was different, I was drawn in very quickly. The scenario is simple as it would be in real life. It aroused feelings of hate and a desire for revenge, which was fulfilled at the end. There was sophisticated use of camera and editing and yet at the same time it's very raw like a student film. I like the way it plays out in real time, that's also realistic. Though the violence happens off camera, it is still very violent. All in all powerful and disturbing. It's a shame we have to live in a world like this but this film reflects it. Okay, that's enough of that, now back to Bambi!


This is a stupidly, awful, tedious film ultimately trying to unmask the inner workings of a mind of a crackhead. Can you see the problem here it is brainless. If anybody can make films, then with this film anybody has.Why didn't they kill the father and mother to begin with effectively ending the pointless film at the start. Only as attackers to wait in their home and talking to them the entire film? Why would you give the victim a drink? Who brings a little kid into the house that is being attacked despite the bulls..t plot? Why if after raping the wrinkled mother are you going to call your girlfriend round to that same house, without killing the victim? Why did we need the endless dialogue from idiots, who are stupid to think? Telling their victims more and more details about themselves only to be identified later. Why was their reasoning with telling them that they would be let free because it was only their son they had any beef? Who can't break through gaff-tape with their nails? Why would you need an ashtray at the home your attacking? So many times said don't look at my face victim, you doughnut he watched you enter, attack him. Not wearing a mask, of course he seen your stupid face 100 times, he could close his eyes and still see your face.That above list goes on and on almost never ending in its stupidity. If this film is classed as suspense then undoubtedly you are a moron who likes a lesson in boredom and retardism. Right after the film I flicked on the news to watch the headlines former Mircosoft executive plans a trillion dollar industry of importing cannabis into the United States via the president of Mexico and legally distributing his product to net a cool trillion. He had red-eye and was stoned it really is no wonder he got the sack. This film was complete bullsh.. Acting was awful, Plot was awful, Dailogue was awful, Camera-work any crackhead can use a mobile phone this what these kids use1 out 10. Whoever makes these films should be drawn and quartered. Did this film promote awareness, don't trust youths you don't know banging on your door, Gad that is just so clever


The film opens with a long static shot of a boiling pot in the foreground and some inaudible conversation happening in the background. I think, OK I get it - this film will be a "boiling over" type situation. And then I wait, and the pot still boils. Then I wait some more, and the pot finally boils over. What could've been an interesting open shot overstays it's welcome and becomes the embodiment of what's wrong with the film itself. A dull film where nothing really happens. After the interminable pot shot, we're introduced to two wholly unlikeable people sitting down to dinner in a very strange dining setup in the middle of a livingroom. Anyway, they bicker and become more unlikable and then the "thugs" show up who are just three teens with minimal amounts of threat levels. Somehow they overpower the couple and then the film comes to a screeching halt as we all sit and watch the characters watch TV, eat biscuits, and watch some more TV. Some action ensues after awhile, but by then you're too bored to give a crap about characters you care nothing about.I won't spoil the film for you, the film is spoiled enough, so I'll just say steer clear of this dullfest. If you're looking for a suspenseful and more believable British film about chavs, check out Eden Lake or Harry Brown instead.
