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Bunshinsaba: Ouija Board

Bunshinsaba: Ouija Board (2004)

August. 05,2004
| Horror

Yu-jin and her blind mother move to a small village from Seoul. On her first day at the new school, Yu-jin gets picked on by her classmates. Along with other victims of hatred, Yu-jin puts a curse on the four girls tormenting them through a Ouija Board. On her second day at school, one of the spellbound bursts into flames and dies just as she sits down where Yu-jin used the board. Next day, another victim burns to death, and now the school is enclosed by horror.


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To me, this is a very original film. The use of the Oujia board was very original. I have not seen a similar idea in other movies yet. The use of hympothising another person to cause that person to kill himself/herself was very original. This movie is extremely fast paced or possibly the most fast paced movie I have ever seen. This movie is just awesome and entertaining from the start to the end credits. The opening scene was very well done and scary. The ending was quite good. This movie probably is as scary as shows such as the shutter but did not scare me as much as ringu. The first half of the movie was terrifying, the second half of the movie was not as scary but still entertaining. However, this movie is really complicating somewhere around the middle and I have a hard time trying to figure out what was happening. This movie is similar to Reincarnation in some ways, but it does not matter. This movie is extremely exciting and recommended. This is one of my Top 10 horror movies. Score: 9/10


This Korean ghost revenge movie started off quickly and ended up with a solid, mysterious and intriguing first act.It was all down hill after that.The problem was the subject matter: ghost revenge. Virtually nine out of ten Asian horror films have this same element as its foundation. And in the end, it's the same movie over and over again. I understand a little of Asian ghost traditions, but when will something new rise to the surface for theatre goers? And why does every ghost have to have long hair that hides their face? It's become cliché, trite and completely boring."Ringu" was a major ghost revenge success, but when are screenwriters in Asia going to stop with trying to better that one film?In fact, if you really want to enjoy the best ghost revenge film, don't watch the dull and hokey "Ringu" - watch the American version "The Ring". I know, the original foreign film is supposed to be better, but not this time - not by a long shot.


I recently saw Bunshinsaba, and I'm less than impressed. I think the story wasn't very good, if even a bit stereotypical. Vengeful spirit, horrible curse, etc etc. (I suppose, though, after being quite used to movies like Ringu, Ju-on, Phone, and the like, things like that really aren't scary. So maybe some people would find it frightening.) I've seen both Phone and Nightmare, directed by Ahn as well, and I liked those better than Bunshinsaba- I wouldn't say Nightmare was very notable either, but Phone was very very good. So I was expecting Bunshinsaba to be pretty decent. Not scary at all, but it did manage to keep me somewhat interested for the most part. (And I gotta say, it really amused me that there was a Dollmore doll in the movie.)


Seriously, I don't know why they even bother. This film basically transplants every single cliché of the genre and throws it into one big melting pot, slap on a big budget and glossy look, and expect people to fall for it. If you're a clueless schmuck you'll be scared.If you've seen even ONE little Asian horror in the last 10 years, you'll liable to roll your eyes and think to yourself, "Geez, can't they even try to be a little more original? Oh, look, the ghost has her long hair drooping over her head again. And oh look, she's doing the 'slow look up to reveal her ghostly eyes' gag again."In fact, the whole movie consists of the ghost appearing with her hair over her face then slowly looking up to reveal her eyes while the director throws some "scary" music at you. Seriously, folks, it's almost insulting just how unoriginal and cliché this movie is.
