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Screwed in Tallinn - A Small Film About Loneliness

Screwed in Tallinn - A Small Film About Loneliness (1999)

April. 22,1999
| Drama Comedy TV Movie

Percy Nilegaard collects Swedish single men and embarks on a bus trip to Tallinn with a so-called "highly-experienced driver".


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Bene Cumb

Torsk på Tallinn is a real over-the-spindle feature documentary on the broad meaning of terms "searching for love" and "getting rid of loneliness". All this is crazy to watch, you will giggle, sneer and feel sorry... Acting is rigorous and realistic, rural types well depicted; apart from famous Swedish actors, there are some Estonian ones giving pleasant performances (Tõnu Kark and Merle Palmiste). Nevertheless, "only" 7 points from me as I am not too much into bluntly ridiculing people who behave in naturalistic manner not knowingly, but because of their upbringing and background. Before the global village developed by the Internet, it was practically impossible to bring forth high-minded and sophisticated values and manners.PS Tallinn is shown very briefly in the film, the activities in Estonia take place in Paldiski, a former Soviet closed military town around 50 km from Tallinn, i.e. no suburb of it; thus, all those Swedish men were certainly not screwed in Tallinn :)


If you have some the least bit of shadenfreude in you, this movie will have you in stitches. The actors, screenwriters and the director should all be praised for their ability to turn something so horribly sad and pathetic as a sex/marriage trip for single men to Estonia to something this insanely funny.You see the characters created fantastically by the experienced Killing gang and shudder; could this have been me? Will I ever end up like this? This passes quickly as someone says something screamingly funny or so cringe-worthy you can feel your skin crawl.The plot moves perfectly, set to the wastes of mid-Sweden and the suburbs of Estonia. The characters, the buildup, the tension and the angst leads to an apocalyptic and hysterical finale that you will never forget.Never, ever see this movie alone, single, dumped or depressed.


One of the best movies ever produced in Sweden.Of all the movies I've ever seen this one stands out as the most unerring description of loneliness. The characters are all incredibly well directed and thought through and they all contribute to the pictures uniqueness as a whole. The movie is about an arranged date-trip to Tallin; 20 some lonely swedes takes the chance in hope to find the love of their life. Even though this movie contains numerous classic one-liners and solid dialog the honest reason of this movies wide popularity (in Sweden of course), especially among the youth, is probably that we are able to laugh at something so tragic. We all fear being single our whole lives and we all fear being in the situation that these men are. It's a comic relief. And it's absolutely brilliant.I sincerely think it's one of the best movies ever.


The most people only like it for the humour in it, but one should definitly understand that this film is wonderful because of the humour mixed with the incredibly strong theme. This film is about a set of people who meets up in a bus going to Tallinn. They don't know each other, and everyone of them come from very interesting backgrounds. So it's a strange set of desperate people who's going to Tallinn only to get themselves wives. That sounds very funny, but the fact remains that this is what people in real life do, and that must not be forgotten. If you don't think about that, you haven't understood the film. The film is incredibly not serious yet incredibly serious, and being able to find a balance between that is skilled, and that's what makes it so good. It's a 9/10
