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Sione's Wedding

Sione's Wedding (2006)

March. 30,2006
| Comedy Romance

Meet best friends Michael, Albert, Stanley and Sefa; the ladies' man, the good boy, the weird one and the party boy. They're staring down the barrel of their thirtieth birthdays, but still act as if they're sixteen; they get drunk, they chase the wrong women and they have a remarkable record of misbehaving and causing chaos at every wedding they attend. But now Michael's younger brother Sione is getting married, and everything is about to change. Sione is their boy, the kid they used to look after, who grew up while they were still partying. And to ensure his big day isn't spoiled by his boys and their idiot antics, Sione has issued an ultimatum; the guys all have to bring dates to the wedding. And not just any dates; real girlfriends, someone they've made a commitment to. They have one month. So just how hard can it be to get a date for your best boy's wedding?


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Jonathon Laing

Not only does this movie have a poor plot, bad direction, and terrible acting, its opens up a whole new meaning to racism.In this film "White" chicks are the sluts, "White" boys are the wana-be gangsters, and successful (yes again) "White" businessmen are revolting toilet shitters.I just wonder what would happen if I made the exact same movie with the exact same story line and script, only I made it about Caucasians. "He dude, its good to finally see your've stopped dating those black chicks".Nobody seems to notice it, but watch this film again and you'll vomit at how they have portrayed the new Zealand "white boys". All of a sudden its white folks who are the main cause of gang aggression, and whores out for a quick bang. Only Samoans girls have a heart, there's no such thing as a non-slutty white girl.It disgusts me that they couldn't make this film without giving the Caucasian community in New Zealand a repulsive profile. If you think I'm overgeneralizing, go watch this film, and see what you make of the "white boys". Just because Samoans choose to call us "white boys" in actual life, doesn't mean its funny. If I said hey black boy I'll loose my teeth.Don't see this movie. Don't waste your money. Don't be racist.


I loved this movie - you really feel the friendship amongst these guys - it's not a perfect movie in the "Three Act Structure/Everyone has an arc way" - but it's funny and real and the guys are easy to relate to - and it's ultimately emotional. I understand why it's a big hit in NZ. I think the actors were all in a comedy troupe together which explains their chemistry. It's interesting that the Samoan culture in NZ seems to be akin to the black/hip-hop culture in the States - they even have their version of the "wigger". I also like that the flick is fairly natural - not to broad like a lot of comedies. It was also interesting to learn more about the Samoan community - they weren't too heavy handed with the racial angle though. It reminded me a bit of a cross between Wedding Crashers and Diners. Seems ripe for a Yank remake.


I just sat in the theater bored as hell, i wanted to leave halfway through the movie. The plot is simple 4 Samoan guys wreck weddings. So They have to bring a dates in order to get into the wedding. Yawn.The thing that peeved me off the most was the so-called crude jokes... They were highly UNfunny, clichéd and thrown in your face, to make you get into the already dull movie. The acting was below-average and i felt this movie just went on and on about nothing but a bunch of unfunny jokes and a predictable plot.All in all, one of the worse movies i've seen of 2006, unfunny, bad acting, just ugly.Well thank god a friend shouted me. Avoid.


A brilliant combination of good jokes, clever sight gags and neat characters.OK, it's a bit contrived in parts and you can pretty much guess the story and its outcomes after seeing the trailer, but it does handle things differently enough to be very rewarding. Fun, funny and surprisingly well acted.Oscar Kightley and the rest of the Naked Samoan group play with racial stereotypes in their usual harmlessly funny way. They make the point without shoving it down your throat. The humour is not your typical Hollywood style; which gives the whole production a certain freshness.The only thing that lets the film down a little is the director's choice to do sequences of still frame shots (in music video style). It really doesn't have any impact other than to become annoying. Fortunately, it doesn't get out of control.On the whole, though, it was a fantastic film. I can't wait to see it again.
