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Indra (2002)

July. 24,2002
| Drama

Indra opens in a village in Andhra Pradesh showing the rivalry between two families. A police officer wishing to end this hostility comes up with the proposal of marriage between the two families which ultimately is used by Shivraj as a trap to finish off his rival. After the funeral, no one is willing to stake claim for the leadership of the clan when the young Indrasena Reddy comes in and tells his grandmother that he will.


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People avoid this film. Its a d grade film. Its an insult to mature audience.I always liked Chiru and his films from the days of Pasivadi Pranam. I am from Rayalaseema and this film portrays Rayalaseema in such a bad light, gosh, one hour into the film I got headache and nausea. The film is full of ego and pompous from beginning scene to the end one. Except the comedy track from Brahmanandam, this film lacks humility.Chiru has such a huge fan base and what sort of ethics and morality is he imbibing from this film. Being self-righteous and killing people that is his character in this film. There is this scene at the end of the film where he kills people then lectures the futility of violence and bloodshed. I can go on and on but the main point I want to highlight is: "audience avoid this film".


There is one thing I hated v. much about Vijayakanth and Rajnikanth - too much focus and importance given to them in their movies. In a movie I saw Vijayakanth getting tied to a chair and given electrical shock by a Terrorist who verbally profanes India. Immediately our Hero becomes so angry that he sends reverse shock to Transformer by which the Transformer bursts ! This electric scene set the slab in my mind for being the dumbest one ever made. How wrong I was ! It so happened that once I traveled by video coach bus in which started playing a Telugu movie (I've heard they all are masala crap and nothing else). In the opening scene, there was a scene of very gore and useless violence .... they just mercilessly attack each other. Then we see some Rayalaseema in Andhra Pradesh where a girl from a royal family gets married to a man from another. During their first night, the girl decides to poison her husband and does it (such a faithful wife, isn't she?). Then rises enmity between the 2 families turning them into rivals. There is again violence resulting in many deaths within their families. Later came a scene that struck me the most - a Police Inspector who enters a house questions something to a lady (I didn't understand as there were no subtitles) - then as usual the lady becomes furious and replies sth like "Hey Inspector, how dare you say so about my family ? Not one but there are so many Reddys here. Let me call them one by one. Hey you xxxxxxx come here ...... (hearing this someone comes and stands heroically then she says) see .... This is xxxxxx Reddy. " Similarly so many Reddys come and stand proudly like Schwarzennegers, Obamas, Sarkozys. But it seems none of them is the heir to their family's throne. So the village people are deeply worried and concerned. Suddenly a boy who's just returned from school appears and screams, " I'm the one - I am Indra Sena Reddy ". Saying this he removes the heavy school bag from his shoulders and throws it away - this frame is frozen while on foreground is flashed proudly in Telugu "I N D R A" with the background music being a slow chorus hum "Indra Indra Indra Indra Indra". The boy comes and sits on a throne leaving all villagers clap and celebrate shouting "Long Live Indra Sena Reddy" !! "What an opening!" I thought.Few years later, heroine Sonali Bendre believes the person who takes her chain will be her husband in future. She dips in Ganges and loses her chain. Somewhere about a few kms away our hero dips in the same river and emerges to find .....guess what ...... the heroine's chain on his neck (Maybe I forgot that chain with gold never sinks!). Then, our heroine who's the Governor's daughter loses her heart for Chiru and lives with him (maybe live-in is traditional in Andhra....lucky guys). Our hero has a humble heart and is an Auto Driver sacrificing all luxuries in his village. During one scene, Chiru tries touching Sonali Bendre's tummy and even b4 a physical contact she goes with Chiru to Switzerland where they both shake their bodies and romance (the credit goes to the editor). Then the Governor gets angry asking which Auto Driver kidnapped his daughter but upon learning it's Chiru he apologises and worships him (.... bcos he is the bloody Telugu Superstar !). Then Chiru's sibling falls in love with Puneet Issar's sibling and there's clash between the two as they're of different beliefs. During this Chiranjeevi opens his chest and receives all the whippings that someone else deserved ! Chiru's totture may be over but it increased for me: later Chiru meets Issar and says "Don't harm him I can see mercy in his eyes". Seeing all this my eyes too were filled with tears ! Using his help Chiranjeevi uses a Helicopter to protect a female traveling by train !! Chiru then reaches his hometown. Later another heroine (Arti Agrawal) jumps in the "heroine bandwagon" and lusts for Chiru but Chiru hates her as she comes from his rival family. She too goes to foreign countries in her dreams with our hero but he's defiant till the end refusing to lend her his heart. Her brothers incl Raza Murad are double Chiru's size and are his arch rivals. Frightening? Indeed !! At last this girl's love turns sour for him and she too is his enemy. Somehow I didn't like it. By this time, I quit weeping and started sleeping as I couldn't control my mixed emotions. Later I woke up and saw some man released from jail who joins Arti's brothers in the fight. Then during a temple function, only bcos Chiru worships the God of Rains opens heavens and pours water on dry land (Now look, I'd definitely recommend Chiru to solve India's water problems - maybe he can start praying for Tamilnadu so Karnataka can relax ! ). Next, our immorortal Chiru smashes villains who are double his size with ease ant they fly in air like cotton. Sometime later I saw Chiru opening a dam in Andhra. Now Chiru leads a flock of people who all walk heroically with hope of being under a savior. At last our hero kills all the villains and Reddys rule. What a movie !! Guys you want to have a nice time with your friends on some weekend? Then get together and watch Indra ...... you'll have lots of fun ! THESE CHEAP TELUGU MOVIES WILL NEVER CHANGE !


If you are a diehard Chiranjeevi fan, you must watch this movie....If you don't know him, watch this movie and you definitely will have a very clear view about this macho megastar of telugu film world...The story isn't that great....Age old tried and tested faction movie with blood flowing every now and then...But watch out, it's megastar Chiranjeevi, this time, with his powerful action and dialogues with some hair raising scenes and very good music and dance add spice to this mass-hit movie


Indra is a excellent movie. It seems to be break all records of previous including chiru records. In this film Chiru do yaga for rain. On the release day i.e 24th July 2002, in AP,India rain came, so its great coincident. That is Chiru. That is Indra.
