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Pyaar Ke Side Effects

Pyaar Ke Side Effects (2006)

September. 15,2006
| Drama Comedy Romance

Siddharth Bose lives a middle-classed lifestyle in Delhi along with his mother, and sister, Shalini. Their dad had abandoned them years ago. Shalini gets married to Kapil Sharma and moves in with him, while Siddharth works as a DJ with his friend, known simply as Nanoo. While performing for a ceremony, where Punjabi-speaking Trisha Mallick is about to wed India's youngest C.E.O., Vivek Chaddha, Siddharth sneaks in to use the bathroom and finds out that the bride does not love the groom and is about to run away. He manages to convince her to stay put, uses the facility and leaves. He meets her six months later in Mumbai, and he finds out that she did run away, both are attracted to each other and start living together fairly harmoniously, even though Trisha is taller than him.


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Perhaps I would have given this film a higher rating in 2006, for it must have been very unusual then. Today, it appears as a typical Hinglish film aimed at the multiplex audience.The story is lighthearted. There is no preaching here. And that makes the film and its characters very realistic. The Delhi-Mumbai tug between Rahul and Mallika are entertaining. The love meter was hilarious too. The movie has a good comic feel to it, without ever using exaggeration in desperate attempts. The father in law and Rahul scenes are cute too.Rahul is sincere, and pulls off the character with ease. He is lovable. Sharat Saxena is dependable as always. Mallika is strictly average. Jas and Sophie are good models, and should stick to that. Ranvir is brilliant as always.The problem with the film lies in the fact that though it is different, it is also quite routine. Several of the relationships depicted are cliché and predictable. It had the potential to be really fresh which it missed. Having said that, it does not make for bad viewing if you have nothing else to do. Watch it for Rahul and the music.


A normal guy, Siddharth (Rahul Bose) is in love with a girl, Trisha (Mallika Sherawat) but is not confident if he can take responsibilities after marriage. To create more funny situations than that there are his sis and bro-in-law, his shabby friend, and her friend and dad and Baby Doll Volume 3. There is no story as such, but there are some good punches and some adult jokes. A good performance by Rahul Bose (as usual), Suchitra Pillai (in all the few scenes she gets) and others. (As expected) Mallika Sherawat doesn't have to do any acting in this film as well, but has done her job to wear minimalistic cloths. The editor has done a very good job, until the climax. Such a to the point movie doesn't deserve little bit "filmy" climax. Worth watching once in single-screen cinema; but won't suggest to spend loads on this one!

Apurv Nagpal

Imagine a love story with every cliché possible, every predictable twist and turn but it still manages to make you laugh…and in some parts makes you laugh very loudly. I went into this movie with very low expectations and came out with the movie having delivered a notch above.Sid (Rahul Bose), is a DJ who meets Trisha (Mallika Sherawat) when he is playing songs at her wedding in Delhi and she is contemplating running away. Six months later they meet again, now in Mumbai. They meet some more… they fall in love ! When Trisha proposes marriage after three years, Sid is not quite ready – they then break up, patch up, break up again etc. On Trisha's side, we have the typical over-protective father, another typical over-protective best friend and as the side love interest, the guy who she was going to get married to but ran away (at least this was something different). Sid, on his corner, has a Rhys Ifans (Spike in Notting Hill) style best friend (Ranvir Sheorey) who never bathes / changes underwear, an understanding brother in law / sister and as his love interest, the wonderfully voluptuous star (Sophie Choudhary) of the album Baby Doll Volume 3 (doesn't leave much to the imagination, does it ?).As you've guessed, the plot is not really the strong point of the movie. What is great is the style of the movie – its shot in a partly demo style, where Rahul frequently talks to the camera in the middle of scenes, kind of lecturing on what is happening. What is also very good is the honesty of the movie – no topic is taboo, they go and make fun of topics which previously were kind of off-limits (there is a full discussion around bra-straps and why they are so complicated to open for men, there is another conversation between Rahul and his Mr Big). And finally, the jokes are brilliant…I think some of them are lifted from English movies, but no worries because they have indianised them beautifully. We have Mallika's refreshing take on what makes Delhi women different from Mumbai ones (and around the whole Mumbai vs Delhi thing in general). We have this other discussion around why marriage is not good for men, proof being that no superhero is married (I swear I've heard this before, but can't remember where – in any case its so wonderfully indianised that you'll laugh out aloud anyways !) This is the first movie I saw of Mallika's and I was really pleasantly surprised. I think casting Rahul Bose opposite her was a mistake – he came across as quite wooden, his dialogue delivery is quite stiff, Hindi a bit accented, definitely not as spontaneous as Mallika. Ranvir Sheorey was brilliant again as the best friend as was Aamir Bashir as the brother in law.So, put the kids to sleep and go enjoy…not one movie that you're going to see many times or buy the DVD but definitely worth a look-see… For more of my reviews check apurvbollywood at blogspot


Likewise I am not Hindi movie lover, I am not so use to watching Hindi movie.. So when the explosive casting come to my notice, I am taking about Rahul Bose and Mallika Sherawat, Now both are accomplished actors and there on screen chemistry is incredible.Each and every man or woman who has fallen in love, should watch this movie.Girls are complex creature and how to get them , tackle them and in the end to get them U will learn all. Don't miss it and do watch it.Rahul as usual in giving an explosive performance, You will love him or hate them, Nothing in between and super sexy Mallika acting just fine.Go watch it and yes Side effects are for real.. 8/10 Go Go Go.. Miss it and forget a good relationship..
