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Camp Blood First Slaughter

Camp Blood First Slaughter (2014)

May. 20,2014
| Horror Thriller

A group of students on a class assignment travel to the infamous Camp Blood woods in the hopes of debunking a local legend.


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CAMP BLOOD FIRST SLAUGHTER is another in the interminable shot on video slasher series about a guy in a clown mask running around the woods and killing people. The title leads me to believe that this might be a prequel but I can't be sure, although the clown mask isn't the same as in the earlier instalments. It's a mix of the usual woodland stalking and slashing with bad non-acting and some POV moments. There are plenty of slapdash gore sequences and that's about it.

Mental Tuna Entertainment

First of all, I like to give snaps to any company who wants to produce their own movies. I, too, have this same vision of writing and producing my own Indie films. With that being said . . .When I first saw the title of this movie, I instantly thought "Friday the 13th" type film. Which, in a sense, was a "Friday" type film. Cliché killer at some camp -which you never actually see, only the name- who kills some unsuspecting teenagers who were doing something stupid around said "camp"I'm sure the makers of this film wanted to go for the WOW factor with their CG effects, but I wasn't impressed. Especially with some low budget film like this, you're looking for those low budget, cheap stage effects. Oh no, they tried to go all the way on this one and it just ended up looking stupid.The acting was unconvincing. Which must be a requirement for low budget movies. The actors don't speak over what appears to be a stage whisper -turning my TV up to 55 and still can't understand them-. And the delivery of the dialogue was, as expected from a low budget film, slow and choppy; as if they were reading their lines off cue cards.The camera work was very shaky. For instance, they did have the POV of the killer, but it got to the point where you didn't know if you were looking through the killers eyes, one of the kid's "home video" POV, or if it was just the cameraman doing a regular shot. It just added to the "hey, this is a low budget movie and we are going to make sure we do everything we can to remind you of that." And actually, most video editing software has an anti-shake feature that reduces the amount of shaky camera work.So all in all, the positive is that some Indie company done their thing and made -apparently- a series of these movies. The negative is, well, it kind of looks like a junior high media arts project.

Brian Zolen

I am officially 13:22 into the third installment of the Camp Blood series. The first one, I believe to be a classic cheese fest and I have a soft spot in my heart for it. The second had me tuning out and doing other tasks every once and awhile.This one! This one! Like i stated, I'm less than half way through and I don't know if I can finish it. The thing that kills it for me, is it the story? Nope. Is it the slasher film clichés? Nope, those never get old. Well, what is it then? It's the CGI!CGI does not belong in the slasher genre! I need an entire site to express my feelings on this. I've seen many horror films that use CG gore and believe me when I say I hate them all, but this, this is a new low. At least, maybe, I don't know, try! When attempting to make a low rent slasher film the acting is expected to be awful, the story is expected to be cliché but for Christ sakes, can we at least still have the practical effects? For us lovers of the genre, please stop! I can put up with an awful flick as long as the gore looks like there was some thought put into it. Whoever made this is an a**hole and is doing a huge disservice to the genre. Sure am glad I didn't pay for, if I did the director may have gotten a letter bomb!

Paul Magne Haakonsen

This was my first encounter with the "Camp Blood" series, and most likely also my last. This was merely a low budget knock off of the "Friday the 13th" movies, just with much less finesse and punch. By doing a little check up on IMDb, I was a bit surprised to find out that this was apparently the third movie in the series. And if the third movie was of this particular quality, I would hate to even speculate about the previous two.And actually is the title "Camp Blood" not a bit too much of a direct rip off of the "Friday the 13th" franchise?The story, well without going into details, lets just say if you have seen any slasher movie prior to this, then you know exactly what you are getting. And there is nothing new offered throughout the course of this movie. Here, storyline wrapped up in a single line: Demented killer on the loose and a group of young adults out in places where they shouldn't go.The effects in the movie was well-meant, I am sure of that, but the CGI animated blood splatter and spray was just about the worst and fake of all blood effects that I have seen throughout my 39 years, and I have seen a lot of horror movies. Some of the kill scenes were so poor that I was almost in tears from laughing. The effects here were just so bad and poorly executed.As for the killer in "Camp Blood: First Slaughter", well I found it hard to find him scary or convincing at all. I mean, a chubby guy walking around in a camouflage bodysuit, wearing a latex Halloween mask, and breathing like he had just run a marathon and walking like he was in desperate need of visiting the toilet. And how would people not hear or see that constipated killer coming from a mile away is just beyond my comprehension. No, it just didn't work out on any level. And the places the killer was 'hiding' behind to observe the young people, come on. Even a blind person would have seen the killer there. There was no chance whatsoever that it would be possible not to see someone trying to hide there.The entire movie just reeks of low budget performance. But I am sure that the ones making it were having fun, and also that the people starring in it were having fun. But from a seasoned horror fanatic's point of view, then "Camp Blood: First Slaughter" was just a no go, pure and simple.For a low budget movie, then I will say that the camera-work in "Camp Blood: First Slaugter" was actually adequate. And it was one of the brighter moments throughout the entire movie.The sound when someone was being stabbed, by a machete of course - again, a clear cash in on the iconic weapon used by Jason Voorhees in the "Friday the 13th" movies - was just horrible to listen to. It sounded like someone was grinding a wet plastic bag between their hands.The acting in the movie was adequate as well, though bearing the shackles of being a low budget movie, so don't get your hopes up. And what was hindering the performers were the stereotypical characters and storyline.If you, like me, enjoy a good horror movie and enjoy being thrilled or even scared, then put your time, money and effort elsewhere, because you will get none of that from "Camp Blood: First Slaugter". I am sure that there is an audience out there for these particular kind of low budget slasher movies, I just wasn't in that audience, as I prefer to be properly entertained by a movie of proper production value.
