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Verses of Love

Verses of Love (2008)

June. 19,2008
| Drama Romance

Fahri attracted many women, including Maria, Nurul, and Naora. They hide their feelings until Fahri's marriage with Aisha which broke their hearts.


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In some level, this movie represents such high perception of marriage and life. If most of us are lost in love and lust, not with Fahri and Aisha. There's a certain exclusivity that we rarely find. They both could be this couple we look for, with their high devotion in their religion.It's pretty interesting when I see women in the movie are obsessed with Fahri. It's ordinary if a guy chased a girl, it's pretty much in the nature. There are moments when he's just so perfect, it's too good to be true. Sure, he's cute with good manners, a combination we usually never find. It's his character to be innocent, but I see it kind of annoying. He's slow with reading signs and expressions (from a woman) and slow in making decisions.Aisha is this perfect woman, brave and good heart, played very well by Rianti R. Cartwright. She's more tough than Maria. Maria in the other hand is more childish and more balanced with Fahri. She's as good heart as Aisha, but not that mature.This is pretty much the only movie that can make me understood why polygamy can be done; it consists with humans that make marriage only in the name of God, not others, pure and that is it. But, cynically, I can only say this picture-perfect might be only in this movie.Other things that made the movie different, it's the exotic feel of the location. The story is actually based in Cairo, Egypt, but instead of shooting in Cairo, the movie was shot in India and Semarang, Indonesia. Well done.Should definitely watch this movie if you're a bit curious about Islam. It can be watched in general.www.inspiredground.blogspot.com


For a regional movie, it was OK. I would have liked it to be a little more fun and funny, but overall I think it was a watchable effort. Some parts were a bit over-acted, but it moved along quite fast.It does offer glimpses of Muslim thinking and culture (at least as practised in some parts of Egypt/Indonesia). Nevertheless, remember it's a fictional movie, guys.For those not from the Asean region - suggest you watch it with an open mind, and I'm sure you can enjoy it too....don't pre-judge based on your religious prejudices. BTW does anyone know whether the actress who plays Maria (Carissa Puteri) is a Muslim in real life?...just curious.....


"Although most Indonesians practice a moderate form of the faith, a small-but-vocal minority are hard line, militant Muslims who want to see Islamic law implemented in the country. Filmmaker Hanung says his message of tolerance is aimed at all Muslims and that he thinks the movie is popular because it reaches out to common people and talks about ordinary lives and ordinary problems. He says using the media is one way to get out Islamic teaching and values to the general population." - by: Nancy-Amelia Collins -. Just satisfy at home. Get the DVD. But, I do not know when the DVD will be released. Anyway, I want AAC in English. visit : a a c i n t a . b l o g s p o t . c o m

KaiToU KiD

Overall, it was better than most Indonesian movies about love. the rating is a bit equal with Deddy Mizwar's films. But of course, Deddy Mizwar's films was better :)This movie was originated from a famous novel with the same title. The novel was written by Habiburrahman El-Shirazy. But the full story of the movie was different, compared to the original novel by Habiburrahman El-Shirazy. Because of this, many Indonesian people who've read the novel before watching the movies was so upset, because they've many differences. :OIf you've read the novel,then you must watch the movies ;)
